Ensuring all children thrive
in and beyond the classroom.
Connecting • Supporting • Empowering
The ECA is a collective of over 45 multi-sector organizations committed to helping improve the lives of young children 0-5 years old and their families in the Niles Township area.
Watch Our ECA Grand Opening Recap Video Now!
A Lifetime of Learning
Let the ECA help connect your family to early childhood programs and resources, so every child in Niles Township is prepared for a lifetime of learning. For ages prenatal to 3, and ages 3 to 5, an early start can make a world of difference!
Learn more about which programs are right for your family and how we can help.
A Network of Resources
The ECA has an excellent network of early childhood programs and educational resources, from home visiting programs, to classroom settings, infant and toddler programs to Pre-K options available for all Niles Township families. –
All programs are available for every income level, including some at no cost.
Let our Evanston-wide network of providers benefit your family.

Our Mission
To advocate for and coordinate comprehensive community-based supports for young children and their caregivers that promote equity and honor strengths and diversity.
Our Vision
All young children and their caregivers have healthy relationships, safe environments, and high-quality learning experiences in order to reach their full potential.

90% of Brain Development Happens Before Age 5
Between the day they are born and the day they enter kindergarten is the most important developmental stage for a child. Early, high-quality learning opportunities are critical for Kindergarten readiness, improved academic performance, and even life outcomes like higher incomes and better health.